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Piercing aftercare

This section is dedicated to piercing aftercare and keeping your new piercing happy and healthy. Please follow the instructions below to care for your piercing.





  • Piercings must be kept clean.

  • Piercings must be kept dry. Do not soak, swim or submerge in bodies of water for a minimum of 5-6 weeks.

  • Touching must be kept to a minimum. No touching, twisting or turning of the jewellery.



Clean your piercing twice a day using sterile saline. You can purchase Neilmed Piercing Aftercare from the studio or Amazon. This is a sterile isotonic saline spray and is ideal for a healing piercing. It contains no additives or hidden ingredients. Pain, swelling, redness, bleeding (not excessive) in the first week or so after the piercing is normal.




~ Your new piercing is an open wound and prone to infection, so washing your hands first with an antibacterial soap is imperative.

~ Spray a small amount of aftercare onto the front and back of the piercing. Let it soak for 10-20 seconds to soften up any crusties.

~ Take a piece of non-woven gauze or a clean piece of folded kitchen roll to remove any debris. Please be careful to not be rough.

~ Once the piercing is clean, gently pat dry to remove any moisture.


DO NOT use any homemade remedies such as salt water to clean your piercing. It is impossible to get the correct ratio of salt to water. Too much salt can irritate the piercing.




Downsizing is super important for a happy and healthy piercing. Your initial jewellery length will be longer to accommodate for any swelling. Usually around the 4-6 week mark (depending on the type of piercing), you'll be invited back to have your jewellery downsized in length to a snug (not tight) fit.

A well fitted and snug piece of jewellery will prevent snagging issues, pressure issues, migration and is so much more comfortable to wear.


Some piercings do not require a downsize, for example, the daith, but we do recommend coming in for a check up at the 2-4 weeks mark. We can check the healing and troubleshoot any issues early on.


You can book your check up or downsize HERE.


Every week, it is recommended you tighten your attachment as they can work themselves loose overtime. If you have an internally threaded piece, turn your jewellery clockwise to tighten. If you have a threadless piece, push the front and the back together. Please wash your hands before you do so.


It is your responsibility to ensure the security of your piercing jewellery. Nova Body Piercing cannot be held responsible for lost jewellery.


Please avoid sleeping on your piercing. This can cause migration and irritation.

Please do not go to bed with wet/damp hair. The excess moisture will irritate your piercing.


Your piercing will have been performed in a sterile environment under sterile conditions. Please remember your piercing is an open wound and should be treated with the utmost care. It is your responsibility to treat it with care​.

If you suspect an infection, please contact your G.P.

Signs of infection include excess swelling, warm or hot around the piercing site, green or yellow pus, fever or generally feeling unwell, swollen lymph nodes, red streaks at the piercing site.


Please remember, pain, swelling and bleeding is pretty normal in the first week or so of a new piercing. Whitish discharge from the piercing site is also a normal part of the healing process. This is what dries into "crusties".



​If you have any questions during your healing process, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Happy healing!

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